Christian's website
About me
Hello, and welcome to my website. My name is Christian and I am a master's student in computer science at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in Trondheim, Norway. I took my bachelors in computer science at the campus in Ålesund. Below you can see some of the projects I have worked on.
My experiences is my website... well, this is it. It is built with Next.js and Tailwind, and hosted on Vercel. The website is a showcase of my projects and a place where I can write about things I find interesting. The website is also a place where I can experiment with new technologies and ideas. When designing the website, I tried to make it fast, accessible and dynamic in case anyone is on a phone.
Årets nyhestjeger
Årets nyhetsjeger (The news hunter of the year) was my bachelor project at NTNU. Working with an amazing group of people, we created a quiz application for Sunnmøreposten (SMP), which is the local mediahouse in the Sunnmøre region. The application was created using HTMX with Go using Templ as the templating language. The bachelors report can be found by pressing the button below. The report is mainly in english. I am quite proud to say that our project got full marks and was called exemplary by the examiners.
Go to projectUntitled Frog Game
Untitled Frog Game is a game made in unity for the subject IDATA2504 Game development. It is a 2.5D platformer where you play as a, well, frog. I worked mainly as the design lead, but also implemented steam multiplayer, custom models and animation, worked on level design and finding correct music for the levels. To implement steam multiplayer the fizzysteamworks plugin was used.
Timetable app
The timetable app was our exam project for the subject IDATA2503 Mobile development. The app was created using Flutter and Dart, and could run on both Android and iOS. The backend used was Supabase. Until I find or take an image of the project you get to enjoy this cute big cat. The app was a timetable app where you could add your NTNU subjects, but could also potentially retrive them if we gained access to feide. The app features also groups and chatrooms for each subject that the students could use to communicate.
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